Future Options

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If you can dream it,
you can do it. Walt Disney

Future Options is dedicated to progressing the goals of individuals, teams, and organisazions. Our philosophy – your Future Options are limitless – is all about making you more successful, your work more fulfilling and profitable, your visions more clearly stated and realised.

What We Can Do

As a management consultant Future Options endeavors to match your business goals and aspirations with concrete advice on the best paths and solutions, taking into account your organization’s size, location and budget. We will thoroughly analyze:

•  Management roles, responsibilities, and performance incentives
•  employees’ roles, compensation, contentment, and reliability
•  team cohesion and productivity
•  technology and office infrastructure
•  current market and regulatory environments

Future Options will work closely with your management team to agree the focus, scope and timeline of the project. We will conduct regular meetings with management to review findings and discuss possible solutions to problems. We will write detailed reports on our analysis and convey our views on the best avenues for attaining your goals. We will also recommend other consultants if greater in-depth knowledge is needed on particular issues.

In most cases, we would recommend interviewing key staff, clients, prospects and vendors to get a greater understanding of your present business model. We will breakdown the current and projected needs of your business, your clients’ businesses (and those of your prospects) and analyze how these match up against your own ambitions.

Once the initial work is complete, we can continue to act as a consultant through key stage initiatives, a recruiter for new team and managerial talent, and/or a coach to senior management and key managerial prospects as they adapt to the new directives and strive to achieve agreed goals.

We understand the importance of maintaining strict confidentiality concerning staff, clients, systems and infrastructure and will work to a mutually agreed contractual standard to assure it.